こんにちは!大木研究会の林慶太です。今回、新入生向けのガイダンス資料を制作しました。SFCでは毎年、春(4月入学生向け)と秋(9月入学生向け)に行う新入生向けのガイダンスで、大木研究会が制作したクリアファイルと「Top5 BOSAI Tips」と題した資料を配布し、大木先生が、キャンパスにいる時に災害が起きたらどう行動すればいいのかを解説しています。
しかし、今年は新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大のため、普段通りキャンパスでガイダンスを開催することができません。さらに、家で授業を受ける時間が多く、昨年までの資料ではカバーしきれないということで、今年は「Top5 BOSAI Tips @SFC」と「Top5 BOSAI Tips @HOME」の2つを制作することになりました。英語と日本語の両方が書かれているのは、9月入学生の中にはGIGA生など日本語が得意ではない人も多くいるためです。
(Keita Hayashi / 林 慶太)
Hey there! My name is Yuto Hirano and I am a fourth year GIGA student and a member of Oki Lab. To the newly admitted freshman starting in fall, welcome! I am sure it feels weird with school starting remotely online. But Keio SFC has been on top of establishing the best online learning environment for us students, so you are in good hands. (Did you know that SFC was one of the first schools to implement e-mail in Japan?)
Whether you have lived in Japan all your life or just starting life here for the first time, there is something important you should know about: Disaster Prevention or in Japanese, BOSAI (防災). Approximately 10% of earthquakes around the world occur in Japan, which is about 1500 per year. Japan is also an island with a lot of coastal areas, which are prone to tidal waves (tsunamis) triggered from these earthquakes.
If all of this information is new to you, that’s okay. I started living in Japan for the first time when I started school at SFC and BOSAI was completely new for me. Fortunately, Japan has learned to be prepared for natural disasters and you can, too. There are a surprising number of easy things that you can do and be aware of to better protect yourself in the event of a natural disaster.
With covid-19 added to the mix, safety and preventative action is more important than ever. However, in terms of BOSAI, what you should do has not really changed since taking action against natural hazards in the moment significantly outweigh the risks of the pandemic.
Oki Lab made a list of BOSAI tips in both Japanese and English, one for home and another for SFC. To keep it simple, we kept it down to the essentials such as what you should immediately do when an earthquake starts or how to prepare your home for natural hazards.
Knowing what to do in an emergency situation and being prepared ahead of time can significantly reduce risk and even save lives. The list of tips we made is just an introduction to the things you can do so I hope reading it interests you to look further into BOSAI.
(Yuto Hirano/ 平野 雄人)